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BCBC Preschool is a Christian preschool program where our play-based curriculum sets the stage for children to develop positive moral values and necessary life skills, as well as a respect for themselves, their peers, and the world around them. We place a high value on creativity and curiosity! Our children grow in self-confidence as they let their imaginations soar, ask a million questions, explore new opportunities, and develop problem-solving skills.


BCBC Preschool’s play-based curriculum includes activities such as:


* Social and Emotional Preparation for Primary

* Music and Movement

* Art and Science

* Socialization

* Community presenters

*Nutritious snack

*Outdoor Exploration


We encourage children to be: curious, confident, and imaginative, to learn through problem-solving, to try new things, and to ask questions.


Our Facilities…

* colorful classroom

* outdoor play space, both in the yard and the woods

* gymnasium

* kitchen access

* elevator access


Come in for a tour and a chat! We would love to  welcome your family to the BCBC Preschool family.



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